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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 16, 2021 at 9:11 PM

    Firstly, E-books and other sort of modern technology is a win-win situation for both publishers and subscribers. There are multiple reasons to support this argument. Modern technology made reaching of news affordable, easy and fast. People can access this from wherever they want. Due to this, there is a steady growth in independent publishers and media houses and cost of publishing has drastically come down when compared to paper publishing. Many new authors and citizen journalists are welcomed and encouraged to prove their worth in the filed of journalism and book writing from zero to low cost. This technology is echo friendly as use of paper is kept minimal. This technology is helping news to go censor free. For example, publishing an E-book with print on demand option is very feasible to those who cannot get the big publishing house to publish their book as the cost is zero. Independent media houses are using modern technology like social media and penetration of the internet to grow there reach e.g.,

    Secondly, newspapers and magazine are traditional way of consuming news for now as many of the people are from old school. Sharing the news on paper is the one of the oldest methods invented in china in 18th century. one of interesting thing is people need to wait for next day to read the news which occurred yesterday but they get all the news from politics to sports at one place. a study show there is study decline of subscribers for newspapers and magazines.

    In conclusion, People who are consuming the content online are increasing day by day however they must be aware of the misinformation spread due to easy of technology in publishing. Though subscribers for newspapers are decreasing there is more chance of seeing factual news in them. Both newspapers and E-books should continue to maintain balance in the society.

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