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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 18, 2021 at 5:46 PM

    After completing their first punishment, most of the culprits tends to repeat more offences. This can mainly be due to the lack of serious penalty. In this essay the causes behind this serious issue and several measures that can help the authorities solve this problem will be discussed.

    To begin with the first reason that the offenders are committing more crimes is the lack of severe punishment, as a result of which, it is taken more casually by the criminals. In addition to this, when different people are locked up in one prison, they do not have anything to do apart from chit-chat, however, end up sharing their information and some of them even provoke them to take their revenges. Furthermore, after being released when they are faced by the society, the ignorance and unemployment again encourage them to do the same.

    There is a great need to solve this problem so that criminals stay away from more crimes. More rehabilitation centers should be offered by the government wherein the criminals are taught and made to learn new skills which will help them find a job. Regular check and supervision on offenders after coming out of prisons will alert and prevent them taking any further action towards crime. More and more work should be assigned to the prisoners in jail which will keep them busy and get less time to talk to other criminals.

    In conclusion, if proper training in prisons is provided and continuous check is kept while coming out for the first time, the numbers of crimes will eventually be decreased.

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