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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 23, 2021 at 9:12 AM

    There is always a dilemma among teenagers to get a job or pursue higher studies after finishing school. While some people believe getting experience and developing soft skills is more beneficial after school, I would argue that completing a University education could pave brighter opportunities for securing a lucrative job.

    It is always tempting to start working immediately after finishing school for several reasons. The option to earn money at a very young age is the biggest motivator among teens. Furthermore, it also makes them financially independent, which lets them enjoy life on their terms. Moreover, they gain experience in handling real-world problems and develop soft skills, which boost their confidence and gives a head start to a successful professional life.

    On the other hand, I believe that having a higher education is beneficial in many aspects. Firstly, young people need to master a skill before entering the job world. For instance, it is quite impossible to become a doctor or an engineer without having appropriate training in that respective field. Secondly, the job market is becoming highly competitive, which prefers candidates with a degree in their respective domain. For example, there are thousands of applicants for only a few open positions in a job role, making it difficult for the employer to select the right candidate. So, having a degree gives an edge over other candidates while applying for any such job vacancies in the market.

    To summarize, several factors could lead students to start working early, but in my opinion, they are more likely to succeed in their careers if they continue to study beyond the school level.

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