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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 27, 2021 at 8:47 PM

    In the modern day scenario where everything is available just a click away we have forgotten the basic life skills that are mandatory for the survival in the nature. All the technology around us have just rendered us incapable of survival without there intervention. But just think what would happen if we are trapped in a situation where the electrical powered machines can’t help us? What would you do if you are stranded on an isolated island and don’t know what to do now. Well that is far fetched idea, let me just give you a situation we all can relate to, what if you are at your hostel and you are hungry and you don’t know how to cook? Yes of course your first answer would be I will just order some food but what is it’s raining all online deliveries has been deterred due to heavy rainfall.
    It is very important for us to learn the basic life skills such as self defence, cooking, first aid, swimming, fishing, how to tie different knots, how to light a fire without matchsticks or lighter, or even a task as simple as how to plant a tree. These skills might feel miniscule at the moment but you never know when you might get the opportunity to use them and trust me they can be life saving.
    Even if they are called survival skills, according to me you can take them as just fun hobbies. It is so rejuvenating seeing a seed budding and growing into a tree with large. It is an immense pleasure when people relish upon the food you cooked. It feels so contended when you have given someone a first aid or CPR and they were able to make it to the hospital in time and the list goes on.
    At the the end I want to say that these are not survival skills but a way to intrigue into the knowledge of how mother nature works and get more acquainted to it’s methods by which it keeps the vast range of different species alive.

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