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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 28, 2021 at 12:44 PM

    The pie charts illustrate the percentage of sales that occurred through online shopping across various retail sectors in Canada during the years 2005 and 2010.

    Overall, it can be seen that people prefer purchasing Electronics &Appliances, and Food& beverages online the most, as they constitute more than 50% of market share in both these years.

    In 2005, the e-commerce market was flooded by orders mostly in the Electronics & Appliances sector as it constituted 32% of the total orders. It is then followed by Home Furnishings at 25%, and Food and Beverage at 22% The least preferred during this year was the video games sector as they recorded only 18% in online sales.

    However, during the year 2010, the sale of Food and Beverage shot up by 10% and recorded 32% sales online, which is the highest during that year. Electronics and Appliance sector experienced a slight dip in sales compared to 2005 and constituted 30% of the market share. The sale of Home Furnishing fell drastically and stood at only 15%. whereas, on the other hand there was a slight improvement in the sales of video games and formed 23% of the sales.

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