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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 29, 2021 at 2:40 PM

    INTRODUCTION: paraphrase your question statement without adding any extra information

    society responsible- society is responsible

    we- don’t include we or I in formal essay writing

    The physical education is must- Doing physical education is a must

    individual- individuals

    leave- live- instead of live write have

    enroot- enrooted

    Write a thesis statement stating the main points

    BP1: cause- causes

    World Health Organisation- Don’t quote source while giving an example

    The one of the- One of the advanced countries

    periods- period

    on daily- on a daily

    BP2: diseases which- diseases, are creating

    CONCLUSION: on above subject-don’t write these phrases

    The physical- Physical

    The healthy- healthy

    lead lower- lower the burden

    systems- system

    strong nation- make our nation strong.

    BAND SCORE:2.5/6 Keep writing!

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