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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    July 30, 2021 at 12:29 PM

    Despite having large numbers of physical activity avenues and facilities, obesity has become one the leading lifestyle problem of contemporary world, especially in developed and affluent nations. This essay will discuss about causes of obesity and some of the solutions to tackle this issue.

    One of the main reason for growing obesity these days is sedentary lifestyle which in turn leads to many lifestyle diseases.

    Nowadays mostly people have desk jobs, so they have around 10-12 hours of sitting everyday. This inactive lifestyle along with lack of physical workout makes them gain weight and become obese. That’s why lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, spine disorders like cervical, slip disc etc. are becoming more common these days even in youngsters. This must concern us as a nation, what kind of younger generation are we raising? – unhealthy and obese one. Even my daily routine involves around 12-13 hours of sitting work due to my corporate job, one practice class etc. so I also started having back ache problem.

    In my opinion, one of best solution to tackle this problem is to involve some form of physical activity in our lifestyle. Additionally, changing our dietary choices can be equally effective way to tackle weight gain problem.

    Today we have many choices available to become physically active , like Yoga, Zumba, Dance classes, gyms etc,. one can always start their morning with any of these activity or involve walking or cycling in their daily routines. Apart from that, Changing our food habits can be another best possible solution to reduce obesity, people must avoid sugary foods, drinks, junk food options and replace them with healthier alternatives like fruits, salads, protein based diets etc. Today lot of weight management programs stresses on importance of balanced diet and wants people to include more plant based food and avoid processed foods.

    In conclusion, obesity has become concerning issue worldwide due to sedentary lifestyle of people and becoming physically active and eating healthy diets can be some of solutions to deal with this issue.

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