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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    August 2, 2021 at 7:59 PM

    People in a foreign country have to overcome severe social obstacles and tackle practical hurdles when they have to speak a new language. I completely agree that these are some of the fundamental problems that a person will face in the above situation.

    While living in a foreign country where no one speaks the know dialect of the person, he/she is bound to face many social problems. Not being able to communicate their ideas clearly and fluently as they are used to do in their mother tongue is the main cause of these problems. Moreover, due to this reason, they are considered foreigners and find it hard to mix and mingle with the local community. Such people face boredom by being separated from society and become lonely. Also, there are many other social problems that the person may have to endure such as racism and crime. Being a minority, they gather unwanted attention and can be easy targets for racism. They can be discriminated against by their ethnicity, color, or creed. Crime rates are more for such people as they are not knowledgeable of the routine way of life in their new environments.

    Practical problems are some of the other aspects that these immigrants or expatriates will have to face when they land on foreign soil. Day-to-day activities are much harder because of their lack of communication skills in the foreign language. Simple things like asking for directions for a place or finding accommodation for living will seem like a very daunting task. Not being able to converse fluently will make general tasks seem complicated and confusing for the foreigner. The ability to quickly adapt to the new society and overcome these practical challenges will make the person feel at home quicker.

    To conclude, a foreigner in new lands has to endure lots of hardships and face lots of social and practical problems. If they can endure successfully, they would have adapted and be considered one amongst the people.

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