Unknown Member
Deleted UserAugust 3, 2021 at 9:22 PMThe importance of art has been waning in recent times.A few reasons for it are:
Nowadays, a career in science or technology is considered secure and well paid. The same cannot be said for arts,where only a fraction of people make it to the top. The rest not only miss out,but find it difficult to establish themselves in other fields.Basically,arts can be described as a niche field where you need to be incredibly talented, hardworking and lucky to achieve success. Therefore ,it’s not a surprise that many don’t even try as societies actively or passively discourage people from venturing into this field.
Another important factor is the lack of funding. In ancient and medieval times, many artists had the patronage of their respective Kings. They were rewarded handsomely for their works and lived lavish lives. To be a musician in the King’s court was considered a big honour.Times have changed. Governments don’t allocate enough funds to this sector for several reasons. Their primary concern is to provide for the basic needs of the people.Sadly, arts don’t fall into that category .
In today’s fast paced world, people in general don’t have time to appreciate arts. Their jobs have consumed them so much, that they don’t have spare time to watch a movie or visit a art gallery. So, it’s no surprise that movie viewership among others has fallen.An industry that can barely support itself is not one that appeals to talented artists.
It all sounds grim, but there are certain measures that if adopted can turn things around.First thing’s first, children at a young age need to be encouraged and supported if they are interested and talented in arts. Governments around the world need to allocate more funds and recognize the importance of this field. Public perception towards arts can be changed through various campaigns.