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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    August 5, 2021 at 12:27 AM

    The acquaintance of life surviving and saving skills are one of the most substantial aspect of our existence and I insist that every human being should learn those techniques at the early stage of our life.

    The survival skills plays vital role in our day to day life. No wonder, when we would need those skills at any instance. If we are well conservent with these skills, definitely it will help us as well as society will get benefited by us. As an anecdote during college days, one of my friend was collapsed due to heat stroke while playing cricket. Doctor was not around & we get fumbled and unable to handle that perilous situation but fortunately, one of the staff member who had given first aid such as artificial breath and tablets who helped that boy to recover faster from that pandemic. That time, I have realized the importance of such life survival skills.

    According to me, the survival skills should be part of our school curriculum & its government ought to make this compulsory subject for everyone irrespective of gender, cast, creed, religion and race. The life saving skills such as self-defence will certainly give strength to girls and women to tackle, handle any life threatening situation. Take an example of Israel, where military as well as life saving skills training for two years is must for every bachelors which makes their youth capable to survive in any difficult environment which they could face in future.

    To summarise this discussion, teaching life survival hacks at early stage is very much necessary to all parts of our society so that every individual can survive and handle ominous situation to an certain extent independently.

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