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  • Ipshita

    August 6, 2021 at 8:46 PM

    First, I would like to thank you for accepting me into the institute and helping me to find a suitable apartment for my stay during my study.

    As informed earlier, I am in the process of getting my study visa, and I was supposed to move to the UK by 1st August. Due to the pandemic, the consulate general of the UK in Delhi is closed. Currently, most of their employees are working from home. Consequently, my study permit is taking a long time to process. Due to this, the entire process has got slower.

    Yesterday, I called the consulate and, they informed me that it would take another week to process my visa. As a result, I have to change my plan and postpone my flight by one week.

    I am now supposed to land in the UK by 7th August, and I would like to move into the same apartment. Therefore, I request you if you can speak to the landlord and explain my situation.

    Looking forward to your response.

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