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  • Anirudha

    August 6, 2021 at 8:49 PM

    The given table depicts the data of the world’s ten largest populated countries in 2019 with predicted figures in 2100. The figures are presented in millions.

    Overall, it’s apparent that except for China and Brazil, all the countries show an increasing population trend. Some new countries like D.R Congo, Ethiopia, Tanzania replaces Bangladesh, Russia and Mexico.

    In 2019 china was in first position with 1,439 million, whereas India was in second position with 1,380 million but, by 2100 India is projected to have highest population of 1,551 million and China’s population decreased by 498 million since 2019. Although USA is predicted to increase by 147 million and will amount to 478 million, still it steps down from third to fourth position. Because its place will be overtaken by Nigeria, which moves up from seventh place with 206 million to a total of 730 million. In Brazil 213 million population is recorded and will be dropped to tenth place from sixth in 2100 to 177 million a decrease of 36 million

    Furthermore, Three of the ten most populous countries in the world will no longer be among the top ten 2100 because it will replace by three new growing nations such as D. R. Congo that holds the sixth position with 296 million, Ethiopia will be in eight positions with 212 million and Tanzania will on ninth place with 178 million.

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