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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    August 24, 2021 at 12:06 AM

    The graph illustrates the amount of time people invest in various activities for passing time in can be seen that the favourite activity enjoyed by elder people is watching TV ,which was surpassed by hiking after 2000s ,with the least time spent in surfing the Internet in 1980s which was replaced by theatres in 2010 .

    it can be observed from the the graph ,that watching TV was the favourite pastime of older people in 1980s ,which remained at the top up to 2000s but coincided with hiking between 2002 to 2010 ,after which hiking became the activity that people love the most. theatre made second in list followed by reading in which a lot of fluctuation can be seen over the years.

    it is crystal clear that all the activities other than watching TVand theatre have seen overall increase in number .however ,TV still remains at the top even after a decrease in popularity after 2000 .steady increase in hiking is seen over the years compared to surfing in which a gradual increase was followed by steep rise in 2000.

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