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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    August 24, 2021 at 11:58 PM

    Some scholars of our society thinks that immigrants should adopt native culture whereas other part of the our society feels that immigrant could established their own community. This essay will shed light on both aspects. Personally I feel that, migrator should adopt local culture tradition instead.

    Although, People are migrating to other countries for betterment life, good education and future prospects, yet adopting native culture is equally Important. For sustainability, it is very crucial to adopt local culture so that migrators will not feel isolated from society & this will help to groom socially & mentally. Immigrant should respect & enjoy the diverse vibrant culture of that country which will help to understand local people and their culture easily. For instance, there are numbers festivals are celebrated in Canada such as Halloween, black friday and many more. So, this is the right opportunity for immigrants to get to know the neighbors & surroundings.

    On other hand, initially it is very difficult for new migrants to cope up with new country, local citizens and their culture. Sometimes, on few occasions, immigrant might not be welcomed by local community which eventually creates hatred feelings against local society. As result, immigrants always try to find people and community from his original place where he feel safe and comfortable. Even though, UK is well diversified country but still citizens are resist. Due to this reason, there are hundreds of minor communities of immigrants are exist and migrators are enjoying their native culture among the small group.

    To conclude on this discussion, immigrants should adopt local culture which is beneficial for sustainability & better life prospect.

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