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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    August 25, 2021 at 9:56 AM

    The pie chart represents monetary spending of expenditures and receiving revenue from different sources of children’s charity in USA for the year 2016. Looking from an overall perspective, offering from eatable items and program services had incurred the maximum charitable money in revenue and expenditures within one year.

    Firstly, community had contributed a small majority of amount i.e. 10.4% whereas investment income, government grants, and other income covered 0.8% which identified as a tiny fraction of donations. However, Programs brought 2.2% of revenue in 2016 respectively. Secondly, program services had spent 95.8% of his charitable income, while fundraising, management and general payed 2.6% and 1.6% from the total amount.

    It is crystal clear that the expenditures were segregated
    in three parameters with spending of total 53.22 million dollars, whereas revenue
    on other hand was collected from six different sources amounting to 53.56
    million dollars. Moreover, it was predictable that income from different sources was more than spending capacity in the year 2016.

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