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  • Unknown Member

    September 11, 2021 at 10:54 PM

    The line graph illustrates the number of car robberies per thousand vehicles in Great Britain, Sweden, France, and Canada from 1990 to 1999. Overall, Great Britain experienced the highest number of vehicle thefts as compared to other countries over the given period.

    In 1990 the car thefts of France and Canada were approximately 8 and 7 thefts per thousand respectively. Both the countries followed a downward trend in the number of vehicles being stolen over the period and reached a final figure of around 6 per 1000 in 1999. In contrast, Sweden started at around 5 per thousand vehicle robberies, experienced an upward trend outracing both France and Canada in 1992 and finished at a rate of approximately 14 per 1000 over the period.

    Great Britain started at approximately 17 per 1000, which was more than that of other countries. It experienced fluctuations over the time period, reached at a peak of 20 per thousand in 1996 and ended up being a slightly lower figure of 16 per 1000 by 1999.

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    The response is well written and contains some good arguments. Point of view remains clear throughout. The message is easy to follow and ideas are arranged well with limited use of cohesive devices. There is a wide range of structures that are well handled Sentence range and Grammar is almost error free. Language of comparision and contrast has been used throughout making it a well written piece of writing.

    Band Score : 2.5/3

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