Unknown Member
Deleted UserSeptember 13, 2021 at 5:44 PMThe pie chart illustrates the reason for people to choose a cycle or a car to reach their work. Overall it can be seen that people who cycle consider health and fitness and less pollution as their main reason while car users choose comfort and distance to work as their primary reason.
People prefer cars to work because it provides them comfort and it is also given the highest percent which is at 40 and the major reason for cycle users was health and fitness which stood at 30%. The other reason which is seconded by comfort for car users is the distance to work which stands at 21% and that for cycle users is less pollution which is at 30 %.
Other reasons for car users to not ride a cycle was faster than cycling at 14%, need to carry things at work at 14% and lastly safer than cycling at 11%. Similarly, the other factors for cycle users to not use a car were no parking problems, no costs, and faster than driving at 15%,13%, and 12 % respectively.