The bar chart illustrates the population of Seal, Whale and Dolphin in the Gormez Straits from 2006 to 2018.
Overall, the Dolphin population increased at a steady rate whilst the seal and whale numbers fluctuated over the period.
In the starting year (2006), seal (Seal) population outraced the other two then (though) 4 years later its number plummeted and stood at (about)25 (in 2010). From the bar graph, it is clearly discernible that the three populations had come to the same range only in 2010 and stood at (approximately) 25, 26 and 21 in the sequence of Seals, Whales and Dolphins. Post the 2010, Seal and Dolphin experienced a rapid surge till the end of the period while the number of whales declined and after 2014, it again started climbing up and reached its all-time highest (high) which is(was) nearly 29.
The Dolphin population had always been in soaring phase. Over the 12 years of observation, it increased threefold and finally touched the pinnacle at (about) 51 in 2018.
Word count: 162
Please see the corrections above in bold.
1. Please mention years when describing specifics.
2. The values are not exact so do not forget to use words like about,nearly etc., before the numbers.
3. All time high – not all time highest
Well attempted. Paraphrase and general overview are satisfactory though the language of comparison and contrast could have been improved. Paragraphs flow logically with a proper progression. Cohesive devices have been very rarely used. Vocabulary range is also limited. Apart from this a few Grammar errors of verbs, adjectives and capital letter are seen in the task.
Band Score: 2/3