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  • Unknown Member

    September 19, 2021 at 12:24 AM

    The Bar Graph is depicting the strength of Seals (,) Whales & Dolphins (from)a period of 2006 to 2018 in Gormez Straits. The Dolphins have become (became) maximum in numbers( number) by the end of 2018 however whales number remains (remained)almost steady throughout in the same time lap (period).

    The Dolphins were below 20 with least numbers in 2006 But (but) they showed a steady rise outnumbering whales around 2014 and by 2018 they overpassed (surpassed)Seals to attain maximum strength which is (was) slightly above 50.

    The Seals were Highest (highest) in count in 2006 , slightly more than 40. But then they showed a dramatic decline till 2010 Thereafter again experienced a positive surge crossing both whales & Dolphins in 2014 and by 2018 they reaches ( reached) almost 45 which is (was) still below Dolphins

    In the meantime The ( the)Whales remained fluctuating between 20 to 30 so by the end of period they were Least (least) in number which is (was)slightly below 30.


    Please rewrite this as there are lot of Grammar errors. The entire writing has to be in the past and you have used present tense in most of the places. Apart from this there are words starting with capital letters in the middle of the sentences.

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