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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    September 27, 2021 at 2:42 PM

    Presently, a very less number of people take an interest in walking. Walking is acknowledged for health as the benefit for the health but this time number of people taking interest in that area. This essay will discuss why people do not prefer to work and provide options for what can be done to handle this difficult situation.

    The main reason for this is the increase in the number of vehicles on the road because it is time-saving and easy for people to commute from one place to another, which also provides comfort to the people. For instance, in the past, everyone preferred to walk for grocery shopping and bring children from school but at present, all work is done with the help of vehicles, so because of this walking becomes very less these days.

    The solution to this can be to join a gym or sport which would be a better option for walking and is necessary to stay fit. For example, after joining, a fitness center makes people fit and fine. The more they work out, the more they become healthy. Moreover, it keeps the body healthy and makes the mind refreshed.

    To conclude, walking is beneficial for the health but it is it can be seen that most people do not walk regularly due to their dependency on several vehicles. To solve this problem people should join any gym or sports and they will be staying healthy and fit.

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