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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    October 4, 2021 at 9:29 PM

    <div>Respected Sir, Warm good morning.</div><div>

    I am writing to you to express my grave dissatisfaction at the way my application for insurance reimbursement has been discarded with out 2 blinks by your field officer. I had lost my 2 baggages carrying my personal belongings worth Rs. 25000 during my vacation trip to Missouri. The attitude of your field officer smacks arrogance and deserves severe admonition.

    Coming to the main point, you have made me pay through my nose for the travel nsurance which loudly proclaims to cover everything from salt to sugar lost on trip without any question. You will be able to imagine how much wretched I feel on treatement meted to me by declining my polite request for this modest compensation. If I had known that you are not allowing any claim below Rs. 1,00,00, I would have never come within 100kms of your office to take insurance.

    I wont let go of this matter easily as you have hoodwinked me and many other customer with misleading ads, hidden charges and ambigous terms and conditions. Do keep waiting for the ring of ombudsman of consumer affairs at your door step.

    Hopefully i will never have to come across any officer of your company again.

    With no warm Regards

    A disgruntled and hoodwinked customer


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