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  • Devanshu

    October 6, 2021 at 12:49 PM

    People often compare the abilities of men and women and claim that women are not as competitive as men. In my opinion, women are just as competitive as men and they have proved their point in all the aspects. This essay disagrees that women are not competitive as men.

    Women have already proved that they can do any job. They now work in almost every field. They even work in aviation and defence. Traditionally, these jobs were thought to be suitable for only men. Even in some patriarchal countries, women are now allowed to join the armed forces. This is a clear indication that women are capable of doing justice to whatever role they perform. Women have also proved that they can make excellent leaders. For instance, in countries like the United States of America, New Zealand and Bangladesh, women are at the top political positions. Some of the most loved and remembered politicians in history are actually women. Obviously, women are not inferior to men in any field.

    Yet, a question may arise why there are not many women in research or business. In my opinion, this is not because they are not competitive. Women have certain biological and psychological duties that only they can perform. Giving birth and raising children are just some of them. Because of these reasons, many women quit their jobs and that probably explains why we do not see a lot of female researchers or business tycoons. In order to establish themselves in such fields, women have to dedicate their lives to their careers. Unlike men, this is not always possible for a woman because her other responsibilities as a daughter, wife and mother stand in the way of her career goals. However, just because women are quitting their jobs to start a family and raise kids, it does not mean that they are less competitive than men.

    In conclusion, after analysing all aspects of the given situation, it is not hard to see that women are just as capable and competent as men. If there are fewer female achievers than male achievers, that is because women tend to sacrifice their careers for their families.

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