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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    October 8, 2021 at 1:37 PM

    Some people think to lead a happy life money is the most essential factor. In my opinion there is no relationship between money and happiness. In this essay let us see without money can we lead a happy life. Also, let us see the other factors which contribute to happiness.

    To begin with, money can make people for certain scenario. Without money people can be happy when their basic needs are fulfilled. The boundary of happiness varies from person to person. There are people who are satisfied with their low income also there are people who are not satisfied with their high income. When the standard of livings of people are increased, the boundary of the happiness are getting wide. Even though millionaires have more money than others, they have their tough time too.

    In addition to it, to live a happy life peace is vital. If there is no conflict with their neighbors, relatives and colleagues, then people will be happy. To be happy, wealth is also important. Sickness will destroy the earnings of the people. People who think money brings happiness should visit to a hospital. Then they will realize the wealth contributes a lot towards their happiness.

    In conclusion, now a days happiness is measured by the photos which people share in their social media. They are in a race to prove that they are richer than others. The more money we have, larger the boundary of happiness will be. Money never satisfies us for happiness. To be happy we must have peace and good wealth.

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