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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    October 13, 2021 at 2:57 AM

    In some countries, many adults wish to live with their parents after completing their Higher education and getting job. This essay will explore the advantages and disadvantages and provide a logical conclusion.

    The two main advantages to live with parents are getting Good advice and managing their personal and professional life simultaneously. Firstly, those adults who live with their parents have good guidance based on parents’ experiences that helps them to tackle any problem. It develops a self confidence in them. Secondly, parents are always ready to help their children in any way possible. Living with parents provides them opportunity to manage their personal and office life. Parents are there to help the children in household chores so that they can even more focus on their career. Family support is the best way to get success.

    However, there are some minor drawbacks to living with parents. Adults don’t get enough time to spend according to their wish, this hampers their privacy. To get success, independence is a most important factor but this is not possible when they are living with parents as children are always guided and adviced by them.

    To conclude, although living with parents have minor disadvantages like adults are not able to think according to their own . But staying with parents provides them some good advice and ability to use their time effectively. I believe that these benifits of family outweigh its drawbacks.

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