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  • Shahbaz

    October 20, 2021 at 12:37 PM

    * “The majority of the complaint ” (The majority of the complaints…)

    “The majority of the complaint was about people who visit our company for the first time, feels difficult to find the location.” (The majority of the complaints were about how people who visit our company for the first time find it difficult to get to the location)

    * I’m not sure about ‘iteration manner’. Please check whether this is correct.

    * “So that it will be ease for people to reach their destination without confusion.” (so that it will be easier for people/ easy for people)

    * “I hope my suggestion will reduce the petition against about the reception area.” (‘reduce the petition against…’ doesn’t sound right. I assume that you used ‘petition’ as a synonym of ‘complaint’. I would have ended the letter with something to the effect of ‘I hope my suggestion will help improve the reception area’.


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