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  • Rekha

    November 18, 2021 at 5:48 AM

    Dear Editor,

    I am writing this letter with regards to the article, I have recently had a chance to read that was published in your Times India multi-national magazine on September 10th,2021. I have recently had a chance to read the article that explained the Tourism in the city “Tana” and detailed explanation of the preparation that’s required. I strongly oppose the content that refereed the location is not safe at any time of the day.

    To begin with, I would kindly request you to update the information that was printed on the article with accurate information. As everyone in the city is well aware that Tana is one of the cities with the highest security measures and safety that are followed in the state. I am not sure where you have received the wrong information, but I argue you to update in next month’s edition.

    Not only that your newspaper is the medium to gain knowledge and provide information but also it is very important to provide the facts and truth to the public about any kind of data that is being produced to the people. In addition, it would impact make a huge impact on the policies that are being implemented in the city as well as spreading out the inaccurate information that would impact the tourism, business, and opinions so it is essential for you to update the old content of the article with the update accurate information.

    I will look forward to the upcoming magazine seeing the same subject with the revised version.

    Yours sincerely,


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