Unknown Member
Deleted UserDecember 10, 2021 at 6:45 PMToday, we are living in Vuca world. Few people think advertising embolden to buy new item those are not necessary and few people think advertising enhance their life style.
First of all, Indeed advertising are enhancing our day to day life. It give us so many choices in all the way like price,size, colour etc. Example: we need a phone. We can do research on it in two ways. Either we can go to store and ask from sales person. They can help us accordingly to our requirements or we can do online research. In both the cases we can compare the functionality of all the phones which are available in market like O/S, memory and if it can economically suit us or not. Hence if we have facilities available to make our day to day life more comfortable and enjoyable. We should Opt those options without any worries.
Further, In this Vuca world where technology and life patterns change so quickly. We have open market where we can be selective to items and provide feedback on it. Example smart watch, a beautiful invention by company’s. Few years back when smart watch was launched the features was very less like to monitor the human health, however if we view now the smart watch has change it has different technologies. Now it is not only captures your health but all the application which we use on our phone. It is clown of our phone. Even if we don’t have our phone we can work with our watch for sometime. After the smart watch launch, all the Companies were open for feedback. They like to achieve the goal on how they can make user life easy. After the feedback the work on users needs and now we have smart watch in all prices, size and shapes. User can select according to there pockets with EMI options.
Concussion, the advertisement give us full market of options. It is beneficial for sellers and buyers. In this pandemic online shopping was help full for us. We have so many sellers online and all are open with there advantages , disadvantages and feedback. We can choose the seller with our preference, needs and economy status. We are in digital world where we need data to compare which can provided by different advertisements. It’s all create healthy competition between sellers to improve their product with better qualities and prices.