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  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    January 6, 2022 at 9:20 AM

    Dear John,
    I have got an intimation from the head office in the United States, to come and work for six months. There are a few challenges that need to be addressed regarding the current project.

    There is a really fascinating and critical problem head office is facing, regarding one of the projects handled in clients premise. Due to security concerns, the work cannot be done outside the client’s premises, and they are finding it difficult to find experts on the subject. This is a six months task and I have to leave after one month. I have started knowledge transfer of my current project with Mr Jack. He is really catching up with the project, but his lack of experience and the complexity of the task may become overwhelming for him. I would like you to arrange Miss Lekshmi, associate architect to provide necessary support whenever need arise.

    I am confident, the project will move smoothly in my abscence with said arrangement. Please do conatct me, if you have any concerns.

    yours sincerely,

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