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  • Priya

    February 2, 2022 at 11:00 PM

    Advertisements are considered to be the gripping way of promoting a product online or offline in the recent days and in fact it has added sudden foray of interest on some of the products among the people.

    Off late, there has been lot of products ventured by the market via advisements to people in social media and tv channels . One such product which lured me to buy was a health drink for diabetic patients and that was Ensure. This product has a barrage of ingredients that adds benefits to the diabetic patients and its also said that it controls diabetes when consumed over a period of time. This product comes up different flavors to linger taste buds of the patients. Clearly , this product has shown a tremendous change in my parents health in a year which made them fit and healthy. However, I was quite apprehensive to try it for the first time but now I feel the product was beyond our expectation.

    Nevertheless, advertisements truly are beneficial and It’s also the manufacture’s expedite to bring good products to market and showcase it to the consumers and it’s also the consumers responsibility to choose the product meticulously and not get driven away by deceptive products showcased in the advertisements.

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