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  • Vimy

    February 8, 2022 at 5:44 PM

    The given map depicts the changes in the Reymouth Village over the past two and a half decades. A few of the significant alteration have been made, number of houses have increased, farmland and forest park have been transformed into golf course and tennis court. Restaurants have taken the place of shops, car parking facility have been provided in the hotel and fish port have been removed from the sea.

    In 1995, Northwest direction shows houses while a large area of land was provided for farm purpose the upper part was for farmland on northeastward while lower part includes forest park on southwest. Hotel and café was established along the side of the roadway opposite to each other. Restaurants and fish market were given in the south west corner along with fish port in the southern most side of the Sea.

    However, now the no. of houses have increased significantly in the west of the village. Whereas to the Southwestern side, restaurants have taken the place of shops, and after crossing the roadway a fish market has been converted into apartments and fishing port has been removed from the sea. But Cafe remain unchanged and car parking have been erected with the hotel. Farmland and forest park have transformed into golf course and tennis court respectively on the northeastern part.

    Word limit- 220

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