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    February 28, 2022 at 2:52 PM

    Education plays a crucial role in our professional career. It is hard to assume that we can land a job without relevant education. While some certain types of jobs require more skill-based training than higher educational qualification, they have very less employment rates. Education, university or limited to school will help land a job but for more successful career, it is always advised to have good level of higher education combined with a sufficient work experience.

    University or college provides students with great exposure that helps them to understand and adopt various perspectives and tackle new challenges. The depth of knowledge absorbed through the years of education in university in their respective subject gives more opportunities and helps to get better at workplace. Qualification is an important factor in terms of hiring new recruits, University or college provides an easy path to fulfil this factor and makes the candidate favourable.

    Job after school is great way to understand the workplace and mould according to the requirement of the workplace. Working before joining a university gives more experience and show reality of world and workplace expectations. Working also helps to have better financial planning as most students are not working full time, it affects their understanding of financial planning.

    I believe that according to current educational system it is necessary that an individual should work for a limited time before joining university. Continuing work without higher education will hinder professional growth. It should be made compulsory that students work for some time before going for higher studies.

    256 words

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