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    March 1, 2022 at 7:55 AM

    Studying in university is a good path for professional learning it is an opinion in few people mindset however few people think doing job after the schooling is better option. Both points have their own benefits and their draw backs in my point of view getting degree from university is good to start the career.

    In one hand getting knowledge on specific field for student have benefits as they know what they need to learn moreover their focus is on one item only. They are not distracted with many fields and try to grab the information for here and there. They stick to one field, gather all the knowledge and master on it. For instance, Doctor, engineers , scientist etc. They spend all the valuable time, effort on particular one studies and help in society with their role and responsibilities. In pandemic situation when covid was impacting all over the world. Many scientists, doctor worked together as team and prepared the vaccination to safe human race. It was only possible because there all had one specific leaning in their respective work area which they received from university on college curriculums.

    In other hand starting the career after schooling is dependent on person-to-person interests as well and how they like to purse their life. Example a businessman does not need any particular knowledge. They only need to know their product they like to sell in market and how to target the sales add-on profitable. Like the Microsoft founder Bill gate had interests in business, to follow his dream he drops off his education in middle and spend his time on work he like the most. He gave one of the best operating systems to world which is used across the globe.

    In conclusion, there are many factories’ students need to think on before putting themself to carries like economic status, quality time they like to spend, knowledge they like to gain and not to mention family conditions and environments as well. They have to go thought wisely for their path.

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