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  • Sudhakar

    March 29, 2022 at 9:31 AM

    Dear Ramesh,

    I’m writing to bring to your attention that the inconvenience caused by the recently opened restaurant in church street 2<sup>nd</sup> phase.

    I’m staying with my family in opposite apartment of the restaurant, even though closing time is 10PM, the staff is not adhering to the society guidelines and extending it till 12PM everyday and playing the music with thundering sound to attract customers. In the weekend’s it is even becoming more worse as they are conducting DJ events which is totally against the residential laws. It becomes painful to sleep with such a disturbance and which impacts productivity at work. My children cannot concentrate on studies due to the sound that directly comes through our windows.

    I request the management of this restaurant to take the appropriate action on staff of this restaurant and immediately instruct them to mellow down the music and completely avoid the DJ events on weekends. It would be great if management can appoint any supervisor to monitor these activities.

    I sincerely request you to take the immediate action on this matter, otherwise I will move on to the society committee to lodge a complaint in nearby police station to close the restaurant.

    Yours sincerely,


    WordCount : 202

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