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  • Srikar Reddy

    March 30, 2022 at 4:43 PM

    The given pie charts demonstrate the information about the Chinese household spending patterns in four essential categories between the year 1995 and 2011.

    Overall, in both the charts, spending is huge for foods and clothes, which accounted for more than half of the household budget. Whereas, small amount of expenses is seen on drugs and goods.

    As it is very clear from the chart that in 1995, the highest percentage of money spent on food category by China which was accounted at 68% and decreased dramatically with 59% in 2011. However, clothing and medicine represented the lowest category that was 19% and 4% respectively in 1995. The proportion of household goods was 9% in China in 1995.

    Moving further, in the year 2011, the similar proportion of money was consumed on clothing and medicine that was 18% and 11% respectively .While, the percentage of household goods was 12% in 2011.

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