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  • Nidhi

    March 31, 2022 at 8:54 PM

    Dear Mr.Sharma,

    I am writing this letter in correspondence to my absence in the Annual conference meet last week.

    Because of a medical emergency of one of my relative, I could not attend the event. I got a call just when I was leaving, and I had to rush at the place. My maternal uncle met with a serious accident and I had to rush for help immediately.

    I apologize for my absence at the meet but it was important to go as he is 75 years old, living alone, had tripped from the stairs and had fell unconscious, because of a serious head injury. On the primary basis, the neighbors had called for an ambulance and hospitalized him immediately, but even in this semi-conscious state, he was only reciting my name so I got a call from the hospital just when I was leaving for our event. I had also updated to my team leader regarding the situation via message and about the sensitivity of the situation.

    However, I had called one of my team mate to make minute notes of the event for me and brief me when we catch up back in the office. He has also recorded some videos for few topics that he thought were extremely important that he has shared and I have already gone through, so I do have a brief insight of the event.

    I hope you will understand my situation and excuse me for my absence this time.

    Yours faithfully,


    Word Count : 193 Words

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