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  • Falak

    April 18, 2022 at 10:41 AM

    like master’s (masters)

    most of the course(s) are available

    In addition to this(,) many student

    example quoted in B.P 1 , is not supporting the reasons mentioned. I would advise to include language barriers as one of the drawbacks and then mention this example.

    Permanent Residency than (then) their Parents automatically

    . Other then (than) this (,) many students

    In addition to all these (,)

    although their (there)

    A little more cohesion is expected in B.P 2, as health facilities and ultimately parents living with them requires some binding explanation

    Be careful with punctuation and use of ” Then and than” , ” their and there”

    keep writing!!

    Band: 3/6

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