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  • JANE

    April 21, 2022 at 8:33 PM

    Traffic congestion prevails as one of the major problems faced by students, working people and every other individual that tends to travel. This writing comments on causes of traffic such as poor roads, accidents and the rising population. On the other hand, solutions like proper maintenance of roads, strict surveillance, use of public transportation may sound healthy to avoid traffic congestion.

    As a consequence of improper roads, accidents occur. Both are the most common reason for traffic jams. Sometimes, bad weather condition also causes traffic jams. For example, due to heavy rain during September, Delhi was lined with vehicles on the roads for hours. However, the rising population cannot be left out here. The use of private vehicles has caused a lot more traffic jams than ever.

    These conditions can be improved by giving road contracts to quality builders and repairing poor ones at a timely interval. Proper drainage facilities should be ensured so that the roads don’t flood during rainy seasons. Furthermore, people should start using public transport and should tend to share vehicles among their neighbours to reduce this severe issue. For instance, rules like carpooling, providing exclusive lanes for public transport wherein to develop an idea among the public, that they may reach sooner when public transport is used.

    On the whole, traffic congestion seems to be a hectic problem in this century and needs to be reduced. Let us come forward to help our community by using public transportation. The sooner we reduce it, the sooner the situation is going to be better.

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