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  • Aravind

    April 27, 2022 at 11:28 AM

    In the fast-paced world, the number of international products which are available for the citizens has become increasingly popular. Some establishments strive to maintain national items, but process is complex and hard due to the variety. Now the sea and air transport have allowed supermarkets to import from all over the world. Social media is one of the reason for supermarkets to sell international brands. Particularly youths having large demand for international brands .As a result an individual living in Bangalore can eat fruits made in other countries. If they like that product , then necessity of that product will increase.

    This may effect the local farmers , local manufacturers as l producers must now compete with large companies. More over now a days these international brands coming up with huge discounts, So Consumers naturally buy the cheaper products and the result is that local farmers often cannot survive without government subsidies or must close their operations.

    Many jobs depend on food exports and some less developed countries may even depend on this trade for economic survival. In spite of this, the importance of developing local trade should not be undervalued.

    In conclusion – Government should support the local farmers to sell products and put marginal excise duties for the international arrivals. Hence both can sustain.

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