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  • Ashley

    May 10, 2022 at 1:29 PM

    The following charts shows the house hold budget for necessities in China for the following year 1995 and 2011.

    Overall, the maximum money was spend in food in both the years whereas least amount of budget was spend on medicines.

    At first glance if we see the difference between 1995 and 2011 there is a significant rise in household goods and clothing. The percentage chart in household goods shows the gradually rise in 12 % in the year 2011(before it was 9 % in 1995) clothing 11 % (before it was 4%in 1995) . This has become an important part for the people in today’s life.

    On the other hand, there is a decline in medicines as it is reduced to 9% in the year 2011 (before it was 68% in 1995) and simultaneously there is a 1 percent decline in clothing (before it was 19% in 1995) so there could be the possibility of rise in prices.

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