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  • Bhargav

    May 18, 2022 at 1:39 PM

    The Above bar chart illustrates the expenditure figures of consumer goods in France and the UK in the year 2010 and the amount is represented in pound sterling which is Europe’s official currency.

    Overall, in the UK and France people spent more money on cars and spent lesser money on perfumes. followed by the books, cameras and computers at a mid-range level

    France’s expenses trend in the year 2010 starting with cars at 400,000 pounds is the most spent product followed by computers at 375,000 pounds, books at 300,000 pounds, perfumes at they 200,000 pounds and camera stand as the least spent goods at 150,000 pounds

    whereas the UK consumption shift shows that they spent more money on cars than France at 450,000 pounds and spent 125,000 pounds for perfumes which are lower than France. moreover, The Uk invested 410,000 pounds for books, 350,000 pounds for computers, and 360,000 pounds for cameras in the year 2010.

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