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  • Falak

    May 22, 2022 at 10:31 PM

    Traffic congestions (congestion)

    government needs to improve (in that – not required) by finding

    The foremost problem (of traffic jams) faced by (people) commuting in cities caused by parking issues (, There) are people who park on wrong sides of the road

    As vehicles started to park on roads, this leads (lead) to the rise in traffic congestions.- past indefinite tense

    which is (are) closer to these markets

    that parking on roadside be free movement for traffic. ((so that parking should not obstruct the free movement of vehicles on road)

    had (it has ) become very easier for people to utilise these facilities.

    To conclude(,) there are still facts

    If the government and the people follow these observations on day to day basis, that (will help) helps further to get succeed. – first conditional sentence.

    Feedback : I would advise to go through all the tenses and usages as confusion in past indefinite, perfect tenses is there. At few places, in order to write complex structures the basic essence of sentence is missing. Accuracy should not be compromised.

    Keep writing!!

    Band: 3/6

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