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  • vigneshwar

    June 4, 2022 at 12:44 AM

    In contemporary world, we are in vulnerable situation due to increase in violence. There are speculations that Capital punishment is the solution to bring down the violence. However, I am inclined towards providing an opportunity for the offenders to plead their guiltiness by inculcating right moral standards and virtues in them.

    Firstly, In my opinion, Executing the offenders is inhuman. The main problem of increase in violence are people are not nurtured with proper moral values right from their childhood and criminals are not getting proper rehabilitation while they serve their sentence. Criminals can be given second chances to realise their mistakes by providing counselling to them. Based on the severity of the crimes which they committed, they can be given lifetime imprisonment and involved in proper rehabilitation. After regular assessment, if the authorities feel offenders possess right virtues, they can be released to live in society. So Instead of instilling the fear in society by giving death penalty to criminals, rather, Government can focus on improving the overall basic moral standards of the society.

    Most of the crimes in our country are committed by inebriated individuals. Giving capital punishment to offenders won’t inflict fear in them as they won’t take it as a major concern for doing the illicit activities. Imposing Extreme punishments for crimes can make people dreadful to live in the society. For instance, When talibans came to power, they enacted lot of severe punishments like beheading, stone pelting which left the people traumatised. Being unable to tolerate this adverse condition, people flee to neighbouring countries as refugees.

    To conclude, I would like to say that curbing the crimes using capital punishments can be futile. Because it will not create harmony in the society due to apprehension. Instead Government can focus on improving the moral standards and virtues of prisoners by providing proper rehabilitation.

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