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  • Isha Singha

    June 5, 2022 at 5:41 PM

    I am writing to express my interest in applying for a volunteer position to accompany school science trips.I am Vigneshwar, the father of Gautam, a student in your school’s 7th grade.

    I am interested in this position since I have the habit of dedicating my time to corporate social responsibility and contributing to society by spending quality time in orphanages and schools to provide for their basic needs. So, I would like to volunteer for this science trip to guide and motivate students to spark curiosity in science related experiments and activities.

    I have experience in educating children about their morals and good habits. Because of my philanthropic nature, I volunteered in multiple school programs to provide basic classes for children to kindle their interest in mathematics and science. I am eloquent in taking classes for students.

    I would deeply appreciate it if you could consider me for the volunteer position.


    Corrections are in Bold. Your intro and reason for writing a letter can go in same paragraph.

    Grammatical errors. Use Cohesive devices/connectors like..Moreover, however etc.

    Bands: 1.5/3

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