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  • Isha Singha

    June 5, 2022 at 6:50 PM

    It has been discovered recently that most lawbreakers have a tendency to indulge in criminal activities again, once they are released from jail. This essay will elucidate the reasons and possible solutions to overcome it.

    To commence with, those who have committed past offences are more likely to indulge in illegal matters, as they are well aware that no stringent action will be taken against them and the stay behind bars is also quite comfortable. First, there is no fear among offenders regarding imprisonment; it’s more like a home stay for them. Furthermore, here they meet with other wrongdoers, which enhances the growth of criminal minds in them and makes the situation worse. To exemplify, it has been found that many rowdy gangs are developed inside the jail only.

    The feasible solutions to resolve this issue can be, first, proper tracking of each and every convict who has a criminal record. For doing that, their biometric data must be stored in police records. In addition to that, some tracking chip should be implanted in their body so that they can be traced easily anywhere. Second, life in prison must be painful, so that everyone should be afraid of incarceration, and it can be done easily by increasing the scale of punishments inside the bars.

    To conclude, the issue of recommitting offences even after confinement can be reduced by keeping an eye on their activities and making prisons like hell, so the fear of getting into them stops culprits from breaking the law.

    -Grammatical errors.

    -Coherence and clarity is there.

    -Revise your task so that you can avoid silly errors.

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