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  • bhanu

    June 13, 2022 at 12:16 PM

    Foreign companies gives much opportunities to working professionals such as doctors and teachers.These days,there has been a trend of migration of people from their home country to a more developed nation as they value their skill well.The movement of working professionals has lead to many problems like brain drain,like professionals leaving their parents alone.There can be a few solutions to it like giving better opportunities,good wages,good quality of life.

    The relocating of experts from one destination to another has many consequences like leaving their parents alone,brain drain.For example,in the time of COVID-19 the professionals who had left their families alone had faced a very tough time as in the case of medical emergency no one was with them to take care of them.Futhermore,there were also some instances when their childrens didn’t attended their parents funeral as they were very far from them and it was impossible to reach their home country due to lockdown imposed in the wake of covid restrictions.

    To overcome this problem there a a few solutions to it. Firstly,their home companies should value their skills well and moreover they should pay them good wages so that they don’t have to shift to a new place.For example,If a person sitting in his home town gets good quality of life,good work balance why will he think of moving to a new place.Secondly,goverment should make good policies for foreign companies so they can start their business in each and every country so that less people have to left their country for working.

    To recapitulate,goverment should make some laws for companies to give fix salaries to professionals according to their education and also good work balance life to stop the trend of relocating of working professionals from their home country.

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