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  • Isha Singha

    June 20, 2022 at 1:52 PM

    The line chart here represents burglary, car theft, and robbery in New Port City from 2003 to 2012.

    Overall, there has been a sharp decline in burglary, whereas both car theft and robbery had maintained a steady profile through the period. Robberies were the least common throughout, but they also increased marginally.

    By the end of 2003, burglary topped both the other types of crime, with incidents recorded above 3500. But it took a sharp decline thereafter and in the year 2008 it recorded fewer than 1500 cases, lower than car theft and with the highest declination rate among the other two areas of crime.

    On the other hand, if we look into the cases of car theft, they declined slightly in the number of cases from around 2700 to 2000 during the period of 2003 to 2006. From the year 2006, it started gaining an upward trend in the increased number of cases and recorded back to over 2500 cases by the year 2012.

    Robbery (theft from the person) maintained a sinusoidal profile with a slight increase in the number of cases during the year 2004 and then declined gradually to 500, which marks the least cases recorded among the other two types. By the end of 2012, when compared to burglary and car theft, robbery remained with the lowest number of recorded cases.


    -Mistakes are marked in bold.

    – Punctuation marks are important.

    – Grammatical errors.

    -Well Structured. Nice attempt

    Bands – 1.5/3

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