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  • vigneshwar

    July 6, 2022 at 12:33 AM

    It is a general belief among many people that social service should become essential part of high school education such as mentoring juniors on extra curricular activities and taking part in awareness campaign, cleaning activities to improve neighbourhood. I completely agree to the statement as it creates lot of benefits to society such as access to education, lesser crime rates and imparting right moral qualities on learners.

    Involving in community service makes the students more compassionate towards others. Thus, it eventually leads to lesser crimes in the country. People who gets benefitted also feel more gratitude so they would be interested in giving back to the society. For students, it gives the sense of fulfilment since their contribution create positive impact in the society. In many of the countries, It indeed improved the society holistically in terms of moral standards and crimes. Violence has come down drastically in all the nations where the academy made this social service mandatory for high school learners.

    I also agree that school’s credit system plays a crucial role in increasing the philanthropic activities among high school students. Nowadays, educational institutions have been introducing credit system based on the contribution by students to the community. It implicitly act as impetus for the students to be more engaged in these activities. In London, students took initiatives in reviving the littered public places like parks and lakes and it slowly became one of the cleanest city. In addition to that they were also involved in awareness campaign to keep the city clean that resulted in creating the mindset among people to make environment pollution free. School’s credit system played a major role in fostering this good habits among learners about keeping the society in harmony apart from striving to get additional credits through philanthropic activities

    In conclusion, enacting this rule of making community service mandatory for high school pupils yields lot of benefits to the development of the neighborhood and society such as increasing the generosity among learners, reduction in violence. Moreover, this new concept of credit system based on the student’s participation in community service also transcends the empathy to whole new level.

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