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  • Sripriyadharshini

    July 7, 2022 at 9:41 PM

    Culture has a great impact on individual performance and is formed by language, beliefs and society that are specific to and environment. Some people argue that individual culture identity influenced by the culture of country where one’s born and grew up. While others belief that origin country has less impact on person’s culture identity.

    An individual’s culture can be defined by one’s country of origin, because we are very susceptible to the environment we live in. The Culture one is born and grew up in forms one’s cultural identity. A study shows that once an individual acquires a sense of cultural identity, it becomes a rigid part of their identity, and stays the same throughout their life course. It is feasible to believe that an individual’s culture is defined by the country of their origin. Individual easily accept the things from target environment where he/she lives in. For example, in nation people capture the traditions, beliefs, language easily and do not need to learn special because from origin they liable to accept the environment. On the other hand, there are many reasons to agree with second view. First of all, for many visitors, it is difficult to follow the culture of that country because that would be different than their own culture and in some cases they may be incompatible with their beliefs. For instance, Indian who go to foreign countries may find difficulty to get the same food and taste as they have in their food. In conclusion, it seems that both points have their own advantages and disadvantages. But i think that balanced exchange of culture and behaviours will benefit to both countries and individual. Also, this may have a positive impact on the economy of both countries.

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