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  • Falak

    September 16, 2022 at 10:59 AM

    While certain individuals support the basement with (higher) education

    elementary education.(schooling)

    (On the one hand,) Work perfection can be obtained by experience alone. In other words, non-supporters

    South Africa, for instance has, the most efficient and effective workforce even if the country lacks enough learning facilities

    The activities (professions)

    reputation ( productivity)

    thus segregate(d) the CVs on file under

    aftermath (its a noun, not verb) the company to suffer financially

    specialty (specialist) doctor

    n conclusion, the aforementioned explanation is enough to pen down that while some jobs require no further education than the elementary one, other sophisticated works indeed need skilled workers with good educational accomplishments. (change the order)

    band: 4/6

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