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  • cd50d5a15a987b179978508a6ddcd911?s=80&r=g&d=wavatar


    June 23, 2021 at 9:10 PM in reply to: Academic / General part 2 Ipshita 8pm

    Time is very precious for us it cannot stop for anybody . As the world and several things are changing respectively along with time .Teenagers which are important in our world are changed. In previous generations teenagers are in better stages and have more time to think for ourselfs

    Firstly how I think about difference between today generation or previous generation that

    previous generation has lot to do means that they have time to explore the stuff like i take the example my father tell me about his generation that what should he do in my age .He tells about one whole day of his life one day .In morning when they wake up at 7am they should go to exercise till 10am then several children and their friends come to play out door games and evening their will get together with friends and all friends bring their lunch box and eat together .So previous generation have lot to do in their whole day .But new generation teenagers is opposite to this

    I will take a example of whole day of new generation teenagers my friend younger brother who is studing in a school i will say he has no time to play ,to meet friends and to eat food together with family. One day i goes in his room he always stuck in mobile apps always even he didn’t knows the school exams when will it happens .I meant to say all new generation are stuck in technologies they have no time for anywhere else that’s why there minds stuck. SO they cant handle any situation in life. There life is like empty brain is monster house

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